direct adj. 1.笔直的,一直线的;正面的。 2.直接的。 3.直截了当的,直率的,明白的。 4.直系的,正统的。 5.【语法】直接法的。 6.【天文学】由西向东运行的。 7.(不用媒染剂)直接染色的。 a direct road 直路。 direct rays 直射光。 direct vision 直视。 direct pressure 正面追击;【物理学】定向压力。 direct proportion 正比例。 direct tax 直接税。 direct action 直接作用;直接行动〔如罢工、商品抵制等行动〕。 direct relatives 直系亲属。 a direct address 称呼。 direct motion 顺行。 adv. 笔直,一直,直接。 vt. 1.(把…)针对(某人),把…指向某人 (at; to; towards);暗指着说。 2.指挥,指导;【美剧、影】导演;命令;管理,掌管;支配。 3.指点某人,为某人,指示方向。 4.寄(信等)给,写寄发地址。 I directed my remarks to you. 我的话是暗指你说的。 direct a business [campaign] 指挥业务[战斗]。 a film directed by ... 某人导演的影片。 Will you direct me to the station 请问车站往哪里走? D- the letter to my business address. 请把这封信寄交我的办公地址。 vi. 指挥,指导,管理。 as directed 照说明,按处方。
Where such a close personal, professional client relationship must exist, direct channels may be the only feasible choice . 只要这种密切的个人或专业委托人关系存在,直接渠道就是唯一可行的选择。
It severely limits the alternatives, available to the bank marketer and often necessitates the use of direct channels of distribution . 这严重限制了银行营销人员的选择性,从而必须经常使用直接销售渠道。
Look for these tools and know that direct channeling is possible for all of you ? all of you 寻找这些工具而且知道为你们大家直接通灵是可能的-你们大家!
Sometimes such communication will come through in direct channeling rather than be " heard " in one " s mind or ear 有时候这类通讯将透过直接通灵,而不是从你的头脑或耳朵“听到”得来。
It may distribute its export products on foreign markets through direct channels or its associated agencies or chinas foreign trade establishments 出口产品可由合营企业直接或与其有关的委托机构向国外市场出售,也可通过中国的外贸机构出售。
The acquired directcar direct channel complements the existing edi and xml channel for communicating to agents and the mqclient channel to its outsourced call center 被收购的directcar直接管道弥补了现有的与代理通信的edi和xml管道以及到其外包的呼叫中心的mqclient管道。
The fourth chapter narrates the innovation pattern of marketing channel , and summarizes the direct channel , co - operational channel , call center and internet channel pattern 第四章论述了营销渠道的创新模式,总结了包括直接渠道、合作伙伴渠道、 callcenter和因特网渠道等几种模式。
They have all invested tens of millions of pounds in creating , developing and maintaining this direct channel , backed by large advertising campaigns to promote their own site 他们已经投资了数百万上千万英磅的资金来建设、发展和维护他们的这个直销渠道,并通过大规模的广告投放活动来促进他们自身网站的发展和运营。
The hkma considers it important to establish a formal and direct channel of communication with the board of directors of banks , and proposes to meet the board of directors of each locally incorporated bank every year 金管局认为与银行董事局建立正式及直接的沟通渠道相当重要,并建议每年一次与每一家本地注册银行的董事局举行会议。